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boekinplank | design boekenplank waar je bijzondere boek precies IN past.

bookinplank. nice to meet you.

every special book deserves a special plank.

boekinplank bookshelf design:
the collection.

Treat yourself or someone else to an original boekinplank and add something special to your living room, bedroom, kids' room or kitchen.

€ 2,50 of every boekinplank sold goes to Stichting Lezen en Schrijven [the Dutch Reading Foundation]

Buy a boekinplank and help someone else read.
€ 2,50 of your purchase goes directly to Stichting Lezen en Schrijven. With that money they can buy and donate books. This way you help us help others. You enjoy your design bookshelf, someone else gets access to books!

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easy in

You can easily slide your book into your design bookshelf. There's just enough space between your book and your plank, so you can't damage it.

boekinplank easy in | easy out design boekenplank

easy out

Want to remove your book from your boekinplank? Inspired by the reading ribbon in many books, your boekinplank has a reading label. Gently pull the label towards you and your book will slide out of its plank a few centimeters. This way you can easily remove it from your boekinplank. Simple.

how does boekinplank work?

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